June 30, 2014


Less writing...more baking. Let the photos speak for themselves!!

Ube (Purple Yam) Egg Tart

custard egg filling on a rough puff pastry

June 22, 2014

More Ube

More oobeh creations....
Ube (Purple Yam) Melting Moments

Ube Velvet Cake with Ube cheesecake filling and cream cheese frosting

 I've got more to make!!

June 21, 2014

Everything Ube (Purple Yam)

I have not posted for a loooong  time but I have been pretty busy baking...
Ube (Purple Yam) Roll
Ube (Purple Yam) Roll

Ube (Purple Yam) Yeast Bread

Ube (Purple Yam) Crescents

Ube (Purple Yam) Boat Tarts
Ube (Purple Yam) Macapuno Cheesecupcake
Ube (Purple Yam)  Cheesecupcake
more  baking to do...more ube goodies to post next time!!!