August 14, 2013

Multicultural Lunch

The Social Committee at the  office organised a Multicultural lunch day yesterday.  Everyone was requested to bring any dish that relates to their culture or any favourite dish.  I did not commit  to bring anything as it all depends on my mood.  It turned out I was in the mood to bake the day before.  So I brought this to work...

German Chocolate Brownies

Yeah yeah  I hear ya, it's not anything Filo...but still  another culture's dish though. My daughter said " that's sad" coz I did not even try. Hey I have my reasons. I had little time to prepare and I wanted to make something not using a lot of gadgets and washing it  up afterwards.  This one was just mix and bake. Ezy-peazy. Besides, the 'office' so liked my German Chocolate Cake last time that I created a variation of it.  ( sure winner!)

I first saw this  on the web. Some baked the topping with the brownie base, others put the topping after the brownies was cooked .  Uh  oh,  looked dry and  soggy respectively  for me.  I did not like both  so tweaked  a little two of my  favourite recipes  to make my own version.

Let's have  a closer look..

Hmmm gooey dark chocolate  brownie with coconut and pecan caramel topping.

Anyway it doesn't matter who ever's culture it was's definitely yummo!! No one can argue with that!

See you next post!

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