September 5, 2013

Strawberry Fields Forever

Strawberries are cheap lately. I paid $5 for 3 punnets (250 grams each) last week.  The regular price ranges from  $2.49 to $4 each. Last time I checked, it was $3 for 3 punnets.  I was tempted to buy more but still had two punnets left. Bbefore it becomes another episode of the 'rotten bananas', I had to bake a cake.   I hate throwing food and stuff. I'd rather spend more to make it useful.

I got inspired with  Heart of Mary for the Strawberry Shortcake. She had a take on Mrs Yulo's cake
(one of the ten best desserts in Manila). I adapted her recipe but tweaked it a little. I added more baking powder to the cake batter, less cream cheese and more powdered sugar plus gelatin to stabilize the frosting.

But then only 1 punnet was used. So I made not one but three more cakes  using my recipe for chiffon cake ( cheap strawberries remember?) and my version for the frosting this time.

Let's have a slice !

First Cake
See you next post!

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